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Spring Forth Daisies!

Welcome April! (Beware of April Fool's jokes today.) This week we start to anticipate flowers. I see crocus and daffodils are out now. We will start simple and elegant with a single white daisy. White is deceptive - there are a number of colors faintly glazed in the white. Afterall, white is the reflection of all the colors. I had to include a bee, but you do not have to. I continue to fill up pages in the handmade accordion sketchbook. Several are posted on the video class page of along with this daisy video. I also included several calligraphy alphabets: Chancery, Gothic and Unical to practice. Book your class for Tuesday 2-4 to paint this flower and Wednesday to paint your own acrylic projects. You are making the world more beautiful by creating art flowers that never wilt.



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