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Red Barn

"If I see one more barn, I think I will be sick.", I overheard the man tell his wife at the art show. That stuck with me for many years. But I disagreed so vehemently, I have no fear of painting barns. They are delightful shapes filled with history and definitely an endangered species. So, for our last July project, we finish the buildings with flags series, by painting a red barn. As a bonus, we add a sky, tree, and loose foreground to lead the eye to the star of the show. As icing on our cake, we will finish by adding a shadow. This video drops today on the video page of (only $10/month for unlimited views of 230 painting videos). For extra fun, book your class on the class page. Join by zoom or in person to paint this barn Tuesday 2-4 PM MDT. Paint with us doing other projects of your own Tuesday or Wednesday 10-noon (classes $25/month). Those brush miles are paying off! You are getting better the more you do!



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