Common Goldeneye
Happy New Year! January 2, 2022 is the local Audubon Christmas bird count. Teams have territories and cover the area to find as many birds as they can. Total numbers are sent to a national database to study trends in bird populations. Many of the artists like to do this count. It is usually a great day to be with nature. I always take photographs that serve as reference for paintings. That is where I met this little duck, a Common Goldeneye. He will be our model for this week's video. Tuesday we will meet on zoom or at Showcase to paint this scene in watercolor. Book your class on the class page of We start chat at 1:30 and paint at 2:00 MT. Wednesday's acrylic class is 10-noon MT and we will paint another scene involving a bird. Need a New Year's resolution? Paint more! That is how we improve.