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American Robins and Waxwings

Whenever you see a flock of robins, stop and look closely to see if there is another specie. Robins often congregate in fruit or berry trees especially this time of year. Watch Hackberry Trees or Crabapple Trees with dried fruit still hanging. Cedar Waxwings and Bohemian Waxwings are often among the Robins. In the painting above there is a Bohemian Waxwing on the left slightly larger than the Cedar Waxwing on the right. There is a female Robin in the center above a male below. The male is blacker. The female is grayer. Remember that with "B"-Black-Boy and "G" Gray-Girl. The video is now available on the video class page of No words. No music. Turn the sound off and enjoy a moment of silence while painting birds. We will finish up January next week with Tuesday and Wednesday classes: 10-noon for independent projects and community and 2:00-4:00 PM with step-by-step painting the Robins and Waxwing project. I will make it a winter scene this time. Feel free to adlib your own version anytime.



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