Chickadee Ornament
With a light snow outside, our thoughts turn to winter and the next holiday. A favorite painting topic was ornaments. A Chickadee...

Splashy Swainson Hawk
Fall is the time that the Swainson Hawk migrates south to Argentina. This week we say, "Bon Voyage" and paint a portrait of this...

Fall Appreciation
Still feels like fall outside. So let’s celebrate that with a falling leaf painting and echo that color in the ground and in a bicycle...

Scratchboard Turkey
This week we had a new visitor at the back door. A wild Turkey! He had better be careful this time of year. So, we are celebrating his...

Happy Halloween!
Along came a spider and sat down beside her. . . okay, if you are creeped-out by spiders, you can edit the wildlife. But it is...

Cedar Waxwing
Next time you see a group of Robins (okay the collective noun for Robins is a blush or worm), look deeper. You may find Waxwings amongst...

Fall Forest
Fall is the most colorful time of the year. Let's celebrate the trees as they become shades of New Gamboge, Quinacridone Burnt Orange,...

Rock and Roll!
Painting rocks and trees often perplexes artists. This week's video shows you a simple fast way to make a pile of rocks by using a...

Moose on the loose
I love to go driving around the area and predict what wildlife I will see next. This painting is my premonition/wish to see a moose in...

Fall Pheasant
Have you ever scared a pheasant out of the weeds? It is an adrenalin rush to hear the whir of the wings as the bird takes off into the...