Spring Forward
Spring forward by setting your clocks ahead this Sunday. Better yet set your internal clock to spring by visiting the Garden Show this...

Crane Festival
When you go outside - listen. Sometimes you will hear a Sandhill Crane before seeing it. They are migrating north now. Colleen Stewart...

Bluebird Barn
Recognize this barn? But the landscape is a little off? That is because I took a lot of liberties, combined several photographs,...

Snow Moon
This week was the snow moon. It is when the full moon is closer to the earth appearing larger. It is the perfect subject to paint a...

Transparent Hearts
I LOVE sharing painting with YOU! Art is all about sharing. In the spirit of Valentine's Day celebrated this week, we are using the...

Blossom Sky
Out of control! That is the way to make this sky. Let the watercolor paint itself. Flow colors together wet-in-wet. Even put too...

American Robins and Waxwings
Whenever you see a flock of robins, stop and look closely to see if there is another specie. Robins often congregate in fruit or berry...

Wolf Moon
"Wolf Moon" watercolor by Colette Pitcher Monday was a full moon. There is a chart naming all the full moons for the year. We will...

Cold Country
"Cold Country" watercolor value study by Colette Pitcher Three new videos up on www.Showcaseartcenter.com making 350 different lessons...

Happy New Year!
Did you paint during the last two weeks? If you did more baking, decorating, sharing, gifting, family, friends . . .GOOD for you! You...