Welcome to Acrylic Academy. Painting in acrylic is freeing and fun. It can be an opaque or transparent medium. Once dry, it is permanent (does not lift like watercolor) and can be painted over in layers. It cleans up with water. It does not use harsh solvents which are hard on human health. Instead of saving the white of the paper as we do in watercolor, white paint can be used or added to tint a color. Acrylic is a very versitile medium with many tricks and techniques that only acrylic can do.
Acrylic Academy
Acrylic palette

Acrylic palette

Acrylic color wheel

Acrylic mixing black from compliments

Acrylic color chart
All videos could be used with acrylic as techniques are similar. These videos are painted in acrylic but could also translate to watercolor:
Setting up a stay-wet palette
Sunset Sail miniature
Plein air balcony landscape
Koi - Acrylic
Color Theory (3 videos: color wheels
modern and inorganic, mixing black
from compliments, tint tone &
analogous chart)
